New Delhi: The IAEA has stated that Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan's network had supplied Iran, North Korea and Libya with information regarding illicit nuclear technology.
Reports published by the United Nations' atomic agency suggest that the blueprint for the atomic bomb was transmitted over the Internet.
It confirms that Libya received the blueprint for the N-bomb via the internet raising serious security concerns about the spreading of such material on the web.
The report claims to wrap up a four-year investigation into Libya's nuclear weapons programme and its links to AQ Khan’s alleged nuclear market .
Other countries like Iran and North Korea may also have received the blueprint. IAEA chief Mohammed ElBaradei has called the finding 'disturbing'.
Dawn News correspondent Mubashir Zaidi spoke with CNN-IBN about Pakistan's reaction on the report
“The foreign office has issued a reaction saying that this is an old report and it talks about the same allegations that once Dr AQ Khan was involved in and he actually confessed it on state TV. After that, he was put under house arrest and has been under house arrest. Officials are trying to give an impression that this is an old report and there is nothing at all. But some people believe that this is a tactic to further pressurize Pakistan in the wake of what’s happening on the borders,” he said.
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