New York: The Nickelodeon network is considering airing a special show focussing on issues of sex and love for its young viewers, following the announcement of its Zoey 101 series star Jamie Lynn Spears' pregnancy.
Though there has been no official announcement regarding the future of Zoey 101, the network is said to be in talks with journalist Linda Ellerbee to host the special program.
In the past, Ellerbee has hosted similar shows about same-sex parents, AIDS, the Columbine shooting and President Clinton's impeachment.
"I think it's important that something be done. But I think it's important that it be done in a measured way, and not just to feed the beast of news stories,” the New York Daily News quoted Ellerbee, as saying.
Nickelodeon spokesman Dan Martinsen said discussions are ongoing, but no decision has been made about the special yet.
He further dismissed online rumors that, instead of a news special, the network would be producing a reality series around the pregnancy.
Martinsen said that Nickelodeon has received a mixed response from its viewers regarding Spears' pregnancy, and that word of her impending motherhood has forced parents to tackle the issue with their kids.
"This is a great opportunity for parents at this moment to talk to their kids about this — more important, to listen to their kids about this," Ellerbee said.
She added that the special would include a broad discussion about how people know they're in love, the right time to have sex and the value systems of their parents and friends.
There's no word yet on when the special might run, Martinsen said.
"Right now what Nick is trying to do — and what I am trying to do — is figure out what is the best thing to do for kids," Ellerbee said.
Jamie Lynn Spears, 10 years younger than her troubled sibling Britney Spears, shattered her image earlier this week by gladly telling OK! magazine she and her 18-year-old boyfriend Casey Aldredge are expecting a baby in June.
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