NSCN (IM) Convenor Briefs Lawmakers on Naga Political Issue, Asks Centre to Expedite Peace Process
NSCN (IM) Convenor Briefs Lawmakers on Naga Political Issue, Asks Centre to Expedite Peace Process
Joint Legislators’ Forum (JLF) in a statement by its Chairman Zhaleo Rio on Thursday has also appealed to the outfit workers to guide the talks in a manner so as to positively contribute towards the success of the negotiations with the government.

Dimapur: In a briefing to by Naga insurgents to legislators, RH Raising, the convenor of the Steering Committee of NSCN (IM), met and informed the Joint Legislatures Forum about the current position of talks between the Naga insurgent group and the central government.

"We are looking for an agreement that can protect our future, an agreement built on the foundation of the unique history of the Nagas. By unique history, it means - Nagas have their history of independence. They have never been a part of the union of India or that of Burma,” Raising said in Dimapur on Wednesday.

According to the insurgent leader, the NSCN (IM) believes in “principle-based politics” that calls for a “principle-based solution.”

"Any kind of solution that betrays the principle is viewed as a roadblock,” he declared, adding that they are looking for a genuine and lasting solution that protects their sovereign right, territories, identity and future.

Raising also recalled the history of talks with the government: "We invested our wisdom and resources for creating a conducive atmosphere for talks, but sadly, the past talks or accords could not solve the problem."

On November 11, 1975, the Shillong Accord was signed between the government and Nagaland's underground government, also referred to as the Naga Federal government, to accept the supremacy of Constitution of India without condition, surrender their arms and renounce their demand for the secession of Nagaland from India.

However, Raising said that their outfit "rejected the 16-point agreement and the Shillong Accord because they could not deliver the goods to the people. We know, an agreement that betrays the issue of the Nagas never solves the problem because ours is an issue-based politics."

Meanwhile, the Joint Legislators’ Forum (JLF) in a statement by its Chairman Zhaleo Rio on Thursday has also appealed to the outfit workers to guide the talks in a manner so as to positively contribute towards the success of the negotiations with the government. The meeting adopted an eight-point resolution.

The statement said the deliberations were unanimous in that the political talks need to be expedited in order to take the negotiations to its logical conclusion and find a solution that is honourable and acceptable to the people and one that upholds the political and democratic rights of the Naga people.

The meeting mainly focussed on the ongoing Indo-Naga peace process and deliberated on the issue in an extensive manner, it said.

The JLF said all the 60 members of the Nagaland Assembly have united under one banner by setting aside their political ideologies and party affiliations for the Naga political issue in the greater interest of the people and to work towards lasting peace. It assured not only to be the facilitator but play a proactive role.

The meeting called for unity and understanding of all sections of Naga people in order to strengthen the peace process and create an environment that would be conducive for a successful implementation of the peace accord.

The members of the JLF, including its chairman, Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio and Opposition leader T.R. Zeliang, extended appreciation to the NSCN (IM) and the national workers and their families for their contributions and sacrifices in upholding the Naga political issue and for bringing the movement thus far.

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