Poverty Forces Disabled UP Man to Carry the Dead Body of his Father in Hand Cart
Poverty Forces Disabled UP Man to Carry the Dead Body of his Father in Hand Cart
A disabled man in Triveniganj in Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh had to drive a hand cart with the dead body of his father on it for eight kilometres as he was too poor to afford a private vehicle.

Lucknow: A disabled man in Triveniganj in Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh had to drive a hand cart with the dead body of his father on it for eight kilometres as he was too poor to afford a private vehicle.

Raj Kumar, along with his sister Manju, somehow managed get his ill father Mansharam to the Triveniganj CHC. However, upon arrival at the health centre, the doctors declared Mansharam dead and asked Raj Kumar to take back the body of his father.

Not having enough money on them, Raj Kumar and Manju tried to arrange some money and a vehicle to take the dead body of their father back home.

After trying for hours, Raj Kumar somehow managed to arrange a hand cart to carry the dead body of his father.

It was with the help of locals that Raj Kumar succeeded in performing the last rites of his father.

Taking note of the issue, DM Barabanki, Akhilesh Tiwari has ordered an inquiry into the matter and has sent a revenue department team to ascertain the facts. Also, the DM has announced financial aid to the family of the deceased.

Speaking to News18, Dr Pradeep Kumar said, “The patient had died on his way to hospital and there was no arrangement at the CHC to send back the dead body.”

The representative of the Village Pradhan, Satyadev Sahu, claimed that as the Pradhan was away he could not reach the CHC for help.

Whereas, CHC Superintendent Mukund Patel said, “I was in a meeting with the District Magistrate, had I been present I would have made some arrangements to send the back the dead body, even if it required spending money from my own pocket.”

Taking note of the issue, Chief Medical Officer of the district, Ramesh Chandra said, “Nobody informed the emergency services at 108, else ambulance would have reached and taken the patient to the hospital. As far as the issue of sending the dead body is concerned then I must clarify that ambulances are not meant for this purpose.”

The official maintained that at the CHC level there is no arrangement of vehicles.

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