Read: Emails between AITA and Rohan Bopanna, Mahesh Bhupathi
Read: Emails between AITA and Rohan Bopanna, Mahesh Bhupathi
CNN-IBN has accessed the email correspondence between AITA and the two concerned Indian tennis players of June 17-18, 2012.

New Delhi: CNN-IBN's Associate Editor (sports), Digvijay Singh Deo got hold of the e-mail correspondence between the All-India Tennis Association and Rohan Bopanna, Mahesh Bhupathi and Leander Paes on June 17-18, 2012. Below is the full text of the email chain, reproduced without change, starting chronological order (latest on top, earliest below page).

The first email was sent from Bharat Oza, the AITA executive vice-president and secretary-general, to Bopanna on June 17.

Dear Rohan,

You know Mahesh is refusing to partner Leander. The deadline for the entries is 21st June. In that case the second choice team for all concerned was you and Leander. In fact Leander also, as it

is now made public by him, had suggested you as partner as first preference. However the selectors felt that first choice should be Mahesh as competition at Olympic needed veteran champions at Olympic level.

You with Aisham have performed at the highest level and also represented India in Davis cup with great patriotism and zeal. I would therefore advise you to put differences aside and accept this once in a life time opportunity and grab it with humility and honour in the service of the nation.

I hope good sense will prevail and India can still send a team with good medal prospect.

I await your confirmation urgently.

Bharat Oza

Exe. VP and

sec. general AITA

To which Bopanna replied:

Dear Mr. Oza,

Thank you for your e-mail informing me that I am being considered for nomination as part of a second choice team to represent the country at the Olympics 2012 in Men's Doubles with Mr. Leander Paes.

Being the 12th ranked Men's Doubles player in the world and as part of the 7th ranked team in the

world, I was shocked and disappointed that my pairing with Mr. Mahesh Bhupathi (despite being legitimately entitled to a Direct Acceptance as a team) has not been deemed worthy of nomination to represent the country at the Olympics. Over my career, I have worked diligently and tirelessly to get to my current position and have represented the country with utmost pride on every given occasion, always giving my best.

Having played only twice alongside Mr. Leander Paes during my career, recognising the demands of the high Olympic standards and being completely underprepared as a combination with Mr. Paes, with all humility and respect, I am unable to accept the nomination as stated in your e-mail in good faith.

Should I be deemed worthy of nomination to the Olympics as part of a team with Mr. Mahesh

Bhupathi, with whom I have paired from the beginning of the year solely with a view to best

preparedness for the Olympics, it will be my greatest honour to represent India with pride at the

Olympics 2012.


Rohan Bopanna

Bhupathi then joined in, marking AITA president Anil Khanna ...

Dear Mr Oza.

Thank you for the notice informing me of selection to the Indian Men's Tennis Olympic Team. Over the last 17 years, I have unfailingly represented my country India, to the best of my abilities. This includes representing the country at Davis Cup, The Asian Games, The Commonwealth Games and at Four Olympics. Over the last 7 months, Rohan Bopanna and I have trained, practised and competed together solely with the view to ensuring, that as India's highest ranked currently competing all Indian team (#7 in the World), we are best positioned to partner at the Olympics, maximizing our and therefore the country's chances of winning a medal. To that effect I would like to highlight the following to you, the Committee and others who deserve to know the full truth:

1. Leander Paes chose to voluntarily break apart our combination at the end of2011, despite knowing 2012 was an Olympic Year and despite a strong 2011 on our part. Being privy to this the AITA did not step in once at any point in the last 8 months to say no matter what we will be need to partner each other in London.

2. In Rohan and my first 7 months of playing together, we have won Dubai, reached three Masters

Series Semi Finals and are ranked #7 in the World as a team. In this time we have trained hard to

prepare for the Olympics, with the sole goal of looking to win a medal for India.

2. Leander Paes and I have not played a competitive tennis match together in over 7 months.

3. There is a total absence of trust and communication between Leander Paes and myself. Without this, how can a doubles team draw on the intangibles needed at important moments in a match.

4. Leander Paes has even gone to the length of issuing a press release yesterday indicating I was not his choice of partner for the Olympics.

5. I have been informed - amazingly - despite recently winning the French Openwith Sania Mirza that we are not an automatic selection to represent India at the Mixed Doubles Event at the Olympics, perhaps our greatest medal hope. Let mepoint out that I have won 8 Mixed Doubles Grand Slams, including 2 with Sania - Despite this I have been told by the Selection Committee that Sania and my selection is "subject to how Sania and i perform at Wimbledon"

6. India has been afforded the opportunity to send two Mens Doubles Teams to the Olympics. Despite this, and Rohan and my ranking and desire to play together, you have chosen to limit India's potential to win a medal.6. Leander Paes and I have represented India at four successive Olympics with no success. Surely it is time for a change? Given these facts, I would like to regretfully decline the opportunity to partner with Leander Paes at the London Olympics.I remain available to represent India at the Olympics should the Committee decide to send two teams and fit me into any other spot. Thank you and Congratulations on the new role.

Mahesh Bhupathi

Oza replied ...

Dear Mahesh,

Thanks for your email and wishes on my appointment in the hot seat. I would once again like to request you that you should make yourself available for Olympics to play with Leander. From reports in the press we learn that in November last year, first of all, it was Leander and Rohan who were going to partner each other but it was finally settled between Rohan and you to play together.

What happened leading to your pairing with Rohan is not known to AITA nor AITA was involved in such decision or was conveyed to AITA that this was done in preparation for Olympics! It is very clear that since we have only three doubles specialists, it was in order for any two to play together. AITA had inquired with you, whenever statements came in media from you that you will play Olympics with Rohan only. You always clarified that you were misquoted in the media.

AITA like all federations in India understand that each and every player is obligated to play unconditionally not only in Olympics

but any tournament which is between the nations. It is, therefore, surprising that you have now chosen to take a stand which is contrary to what you were stating earlier. AITA holds you in high esteem as a player and it is because of your exceptional qualities as a player and your recent performances that the selectors selected you in preference to Rohan.

The selectors ignored the wish of Leander to partner Rohan and selected you as the doubles partner for Leander as Olympic is a

different level of competition. Behind this decision AITA had also in mind that you have to play men’s doubles to be eligible for mixed doubles, in case Sania gets a wild card. We fully understand that you are finding it difficult to get out of your commitment to Rohan. At no stage during the year you had stated that you will only play with Rohan and would not like to be considered with Leander.

The first time you have made this statement was only a few days ago. I would sincerely request you to work out a solution to get over your professional tour commitment. I'll like to state that AITA selection committee and the executive committee has already decided that asking Leander to partner other player, especially when Somdev has not come out of injury and has not played competitive tennis for months, is an option asking top ranked player to go out and play singles in doubles.

This option may be forced to be executed only after the following two options have been exhausted. These are: 1) Leander and Mahesh 2) Leander and Rohan Kindly reconsider weighing pros and cons once againand reply urgently.

With Regards,

Bharat Oza

Bhupathi replied ...

Thanks for the mail once again, However please refer to an E mail to Mr. Khanna in March this year

when we requested/ appealed to him to consider us as a team and please also refer to his response,

where at no time he said the number one player would go regardless or the Leander would be a

constant. this can go on and on, while you'll do believe you are making the right decision for the sport,

i believe its the other way round, I stand by my earlier e mail and remain available if you are to send

two teams, thanks, Mahesh

Oza replied ...

Dear Rohan,

You know Mahesh is refusing to partner Leander. The deadline for the entries is 21st June. In that case the second choice team for all concerned was you and Leander. In fact Leander also, as it is now made public by him, had suggested you as partner as first preference. However the selectors felt that first choice should be Mahesh as competition at Olympic needed vetern champions at Olympic level.

You with Aisham have performed at the highest level and also represented India in Davis cup with great patriotism and zeal.

I would therefore advise you to put differences aside and accept this once in a life time opportunityand grab it with humility and honour in the service of the nation.

I hope good sense will prevail and India can still send a team with good medal prospect.

I await your confirmation urgently.

Bharat Oza

Exe. VP and

sec. general AITA

Then an email was sent from Oza to all three concerned tennis players ...

Dear Leander,Mahesh & Rohan,

This is to inform you that our president shri Anil Khanna spoke to Shri S M Krishnaji who is in Toronto and was explained the situation.

He has expressed his opinion and informed Anilji to convey to all three of you to overcome differences and put the country first. I ergo appeal to all three great seasoned professionals players like you to look towards the need of the country and put your best foot forward.

Hope you will consider advise of such eminent personality and tennis lover and accept the selection done by AITA.


Bharat Oza, Executive vice president and Secretary General, AITA

Original news source

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