RSS Ideology Inspired Us to Do Surgical Strikes: Manohar Parrikar
RSS Ideology Inspired Us to Do Surgical Strikes: Manohar Parrikar
Defence Minister Manohar Parikkar on Monday said the RSS ideology inspired Prime Minister Narendra Modi and him to carry out the September 29 surgical strikes across the Line of Control (LoC).

Ahmedabad: Defence Minister Manohar Parikkar on Monday said the RSS ideology inspired Prime Minister Narendra Modi and him to carry out the September 29 surgical strikes across the Line of Control (LoC).

It was not possible that a Prime Minister from the land of Mahatma Gandhi and a Defence Minister from Goa with a common RSS orientation would not take such a strong decision, he said.

The minister was addressing students and teachers of Nirma University here during a 'Know Your Army' programme.

The Minister said the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh teachings were at the back of the mind of the Prime Minister and him while ordering the surgical strikes on the terrorist launch pads.

Parrikar said he and Modi were subjected to severe public criticism after the September 18 terror attack on the Indian Army camp in Uri.

"Both were targeted on the social media after 19 soldiers were killed in Uri and the media campaign continued till September 29 (when the Army conducted surgical strikes in Pakistan-administered Kashmir)," he said.

"Now some people want evidence of the surgical strikes. These people will never accept the truth even if we provide them with concrete proof.

"One thing is sure no one can doubt the integrity and courage of the Indian Army," he added.

Parrikar said the surgical strikes achieved two things: first, the country became sensitive to national security and second, the entire nation rallied behind the Army.

The minister said some ex-servicemen have even offered their services. "Such is the high morale of the men in uniform."

He said attacks on Indian security forces, as happened in Uri, were an ongoing feature for the last four to five years. But this was for the first time that India gave a befitting reply to the enemy, he added.

Asked about the border fencing along the India-Pakistan border in Gujarat, he said a complete fencing was not possible due to marshy land.

The security forces are keeping a strict vigil on the trans-border movement using high technology, he said.

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