Students bring peace message to J&K
Students bring peace message to J&K
Over 50 universities across eight South Asian countries are participating in the four day festival in Jammu. It aims at spread the message of peace.

Jammu: Youth from across South Asia came together for the first time to spread the message of peace and harmony in Jammu.

They are trying to mark a new beginning in the terror-striken Jammu and Kashmir.

The students from Nepal decided to put across their message in the form of a dance form Thama Silo,meaning return of harmony and prosperity.

Sushma Karmacharya, a student of Kathmandu University, says, "The youth are the future. If they can commincate and share problems and do something for these South Asian countries, at least it will bring peace here."

The Indians on the other hand chose to say it silently with a mime on terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. "Who wants violence? Especially all these South Asian countries have suffered a lot in terms of terrorism, violence and all sorts of evils like corruption. As a result, all types of ill-effects have been experience by this part of the world," says Siama Nissar Khawaja, a student of Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi.

Sri Lankans presented a dance that depicted the victory of good over evil. But what linked all these young guns from South Asia was the message of harmony.

Over 50 universities across eight South Asian countries are participating in this four day festival. Oddissi dancer Sonal Man Singh was also present to support the cause. The only absentees are the Pakistani students.

Vice chancellor, Jammu Univeristy, Amitab Matoo, says, "It is a symbolic statement that J&K is also moving towards peace and prosperity. So, lets lead the way lets make these conflict zones as harbingers of peace and prosperity."

As students from eight countries bring in colour and vibrancy in the terror-torn state, they also get a common platform to spread the message of harmony.

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