Sunkenahalli: New plans for old ward
Sunkenahalli: New plans for old ward
BANGALORE: Sunkenahalli got a new ward office on Wednesday. The office was inaugurated by Swami Rakshanadhji, the president of Ram..

BANGALORE: Sunkenahalli got a new ward office on Wednesday. The office was inaugurated by Swami Rakshanadhji, the president of Ramakrishna Mutt. During the inauguration the local corporator for Senkenahalli, PN Sadashiva pledged his devotion for the ward. “I am here for the people. I will hear all their problems and solve them. I will be available from nine in the morning till almost midnight,” he claimed. Some of the main problems that the residents of the ward face are irregular water and electricity. The pipelines in the area are also very old and need to be replaced. The corporator claims that the first task he will attend to is of replacing the old pipes with new ones.`12 crore has been sanctioned for the development of the ward in this year’s budget. According to the corporator the money will be spent on building footpaths, drains and road development. Apart from providing the basic facilities he said that he is also planning on constructing a new multi-purpose stage as well as a yoga hall in the Kohinoor playground. New streetlights for the ward are also on the chart.As far as the community services are concerned apart from the driving and tailoring classes in his ward, he will also start programmes to educate people about the world.

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