Suu Kyi's release call by NLD
Suu Kyi's release call by NLD
Myanmar’s opposition, National League for Democracy calls for release of leader, Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners.

Yangon (Myanmar): Myanmar's opposition, National League for Democracy (NLD) today called for the release of its pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners at its annual gathering.

Some 400 people, including Western diplomats and UN representatives, attended the meeting commemorating what the NLD considers the start of the "resistance of the people against the fascists".

The holiday marks the day in 1945 when General Aung San, leader of the then Burma's independence movement and Suu Kyi's father called on resistance fighters to expel Japanese occupying forces.

In a statement, the NLD requested the release of Suu Kyi and other party leaders who have "been detained for their constant efforts promoting democracy and human rights".

Suu Kyi, whose house arrest was extended in December, has spent most of the last 16 years in detention. The NLD also urged Myanmar's ruling generals to "create an appropriate political climate and initiate substantive political dialogue" with the opposition.

The public crushed pro-democracy demonstrations in 1988 and two years later rejected the result of national elections won by the NLD.

Despite increasing international pressure for democratic reform and sanctions by US and European Union, Myanmar appears unwilling to loosen its grip on power. The NLD's offices remain shuttered and party members under constant surveillance.

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