TN TRB Recruitment Answer Keys 2017 have been released by the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB), Tamil Nadu on its official website - trb.tn.nic.in/. The Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board had conducted the TN TRB Direct Recruitment exam of special teachers on September 23rd 2017 last month and a total of 35781 candidates had appeared for the written examination. Candidates who had given the recruitment exam can follow the instructions below to download the tentative answer keys and see how they fare:
How to download TN TRB Recruitment 2017 Tentative Answer Keys for Special Teachers
Step 1: Visit the official website - trb.tn.nic.in
Step 2: Click on: Direct Recruitment of Special Teachers in School Education and other Departments for the year 2012 - 16 - Please click here for Tentative Key answers
Step 3: Read the official notice and click on ‘NEXT’ mentioned at the end of the page
Step 4: Click on the relevant subject viz Physical Education (P.E.T), Drawing, Music or Sewing
Step 5: Download the tentative answer key and take a print if required
Candidates are free to raise objections (if any) in the tentative answer keys. The last date to file objections is October 20th, 2017, 5:30 PM. The candidate has to provide a supported document from an authoritative source to back his dispute. The objections and supported documentation has to be sent to Teachers Recruitment Board’s information centre via post or dropped in person.
Candidates can download the application form for the same by visiting the below-mentioned URL:
About Direct Recruitment of the Post of Special Teachers Written Examination – 2017:
The direct recruitment of special teachers in the state of Tamil Nadu is conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB). The TN TRB recruitment exam 2017 was conducted to fill 663 vacancies for the post of Physical education special teachers, 327 vacancies for Drawing teachers, 86 vacancies for Music teachers and 249 vacancies for Sewing teachers.
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