Two more trains to leave Bangalore for Guwahati
Two more trains to leave Bangalore for Guwahati
Two special trains are to leave Bangalore for Guwahati Thursday night although the panic sparked by rumours of imminent attacks on people from the northeast has subsided, officials said.

Two special trains are to leave Bangalore for Guwahati Thursday night although the panic sparked by rumours of imminent attacks on people from

the northeast has subsided, officials said.According to the South Western Railway, two trains will depart from Bangalore at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. to clear the extra rush of passengers.The first train will have 17 general second class coaches and two second class-cum-luggage vans. The second train will have 16 general second class coaches and two second class-cum-luggage vans.Both trains will reach Guwahati Sunday morning.Officials, however, said that the situation in the city and across Karnataka was now under control. After

police scotched the rumours and the chief minister assured the northeast students of protection, panic among them has subsided. Hundreds have decided to stay back in the city, the officials said.A

message from Bangalore Police Commissioner Jyotiprakash Mirji said: "No

incidents have been reported of attack on northeastern citizens in Bangalore. Do not panic or heed to rumour."

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