UN slams Myanmar elections
UN slams Myanmar elections
UN also asked the junta to release political prisoners including pro-democracy icon Aung Sang Suu Kyi.

United Nations: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has described the Myanmar elections as "insufficiently inclusive, participatory and transparent", and asked the junta to release political prisoners including pro-democracy icon Aung Sang Suu Kyi.

The UN chief believes "the voting was held in conditions that were insufficiently inclusive, participatory and transparent," read a statement issued by UN spokesperson Martin Nesirky.

"He (Ban) urges the Myanmar authorities to ensure that the process of forming new institutions of government is as broad-based and inclusive as possible," it said.

"The international community will look to the Myanmar authorities to provide greater assurances that the current process marks a genuine departure from the status quo," the statement said.

Ban, who has expressed frustration at the attitude of Myanmar's ruling generals, urged authorities to "demonstrate that the ballot is part of a credible transition towards democratic government, national reconciliation and respect for human rights."

Meanwhile, reports from the grounds suggest that clashes have erupted between forces of ethnic groups and the army of Myanmar, which has caused thousands of people to flee across the border into Thailand.

Ahead of the landmark elections on November 7, UN human rights expert Tomas Ojea Quintana had stressed that justice and accountability were a key to any transition into a democracy and proposed setting up a Commission of Inquiry with a fact finding mandate.

"If the government fails to assume these responsibilities then the international community must take action," he said.

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