UP Woman Bites Husband’s Genitals With Teeth Over 'Unnatural Sex' Demand
UP Woman Bites Husband’s Genitals With Teeth Over 'Unnatural Sex' Demand
The man was left bleeding after the wife bit her husband's private parts with her teeth, following which he was taken to a nearby hospital

In a bizarre incident from Uttar Pradesh’s Hamirpur district, a woman allegedly bit her husband’s private parts causing injuries to him as she was fed up with his insistence on unnatural sex.

Following the incident which occurred on January 28, the 34-year-old husband, Ramu Nishad, was hospitalised and is said to be in a serious condition.

According to a India Today report, the incident happened at night after a dispute between the couple regarding unnatural sex. The man was left bleeding after the wife bit her husband’s private parts with her teeth, following which he was taken to a nearby hospital.

He was later shifted to another hospital with better facilities as his condition remained critical.

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A case has been registered under Section 326 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against the wife for voluntarily causing grievous hurt and Section 506 for criminal intimidation.

A probe has been launched, senior police officer Anoop Singh stated while adding that action will be taken against the accused.

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