Whazzup: Question time for the youth
Whazzup: Question time for the youth
Farah Aziz Khanum, the girl at the centre of the AMU moral policing story, has a volley of questions for the youth of this country.

In a shocking case of moral policing, a young student of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) was harassed and abused for wearing western wear to the University.

Farah Aziz Khanum, a 23-year-old journalism student of AMU was walking to the university in her regular jeans and T-shirt last week, when she experienced an outburst she had never thought she would have to face.

Two boys on a motorcycle came up from behind her and pulled at her shawl and threw it on the road. While all this happened in broad daylight, no one came forward to Khanum's rescue.

Outraged but undeterred, Khanum decided to protest against the incident. She came to Delhi and narrated her plight at a press conference at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on Thursday evening.

Now, Khanum asked CNN-IBN Whazzup correspondent Seemi Pasha four questions that she wants answers to from the youth of India:

  • Why is she not getting enough support from students across campuses in her fight for gender equality?

  • Is there an anti-sexual harassment cell in every college?

  • Why do people, especially girls, fail to raise their voice against injustice? Is it fear or apathy?

  • Why is it that very often, that the victim is victimised by the system in India?

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