Young diabetics face marital problems
Young diabetics face marital problems
With diabetes still seen as a social stigma, young diabetics face problems of getting married and saving marriage.

New Delhi: If you are suffering from diabetes and are still young, then getting married is out of the question, or alternatively, if you are married and have diabetes, you could be on your way to a divorce court.

This alarming revelation comes direct from the horse's mouth, The Delhi Diabetes Research Centre (DDRC).

According to recent survey conducted by it, diabetes is still seen as a social stigma. So deep is the scare of the disease, those young patients are finding it difficult to get married or fail to sustain their marriages.

According to the survey, an astounding 90 per cent face matrimonial problems.

According to Dr Jhingan, the head of the DDRC, the issue can only be addressed through a mass movement or an awareness campaign.

Of patients aged between 19 to 31 years, only 40 percent confirmed that they were married.

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