8 Simple TipsTo Grow Green Chillies At Home
8 Simple TipsTo Grow Green Chillies At Home
People are planting saplings these days in small spaces like balconies or terraces.

Gardening is an art. Just like all art, this too needs lots of patience. From the right way to sowing seeds or planting a sapling, to taking care of the plant as it grows and protecting it from insects, harsh sunlight or drying out and timely adding fertilisers is quite challenging. Gardening is not everyone’s cup of tea. More and more people are now taking up this art, as it is relaxing and the results are often rewarding. People are planting saplings in small spaces like balconies or terraces to grow vegetables or flowering plants. One such common and easily grown plant is green chillies. Green chillies grow in humid and warm climates. Apart from adding a spicy flavour to food, it is also good health as it contains vitamins like Vitamin C, which is known for boosting immunity. It is known to be great for the skin by preventing acne and skin ageing, good for hair and aids in weight loss. It also helps in stimulating the production of digestive juices. So, how can you grow the green chillies at home? If you are looking for a way to grow them, here are a few tips and tricks:

The first step is to choose an area in the house which is semi-shaded to grow the chillies as they need a humid and warm climate to grow.

You can grow in a small pot, but make sure that it is 3-4 inches deep and has proper drainage holes.

Use well-draining and fertile soil rich with compost for the growth of this plant.

Make sure that you take good quality green chillies seeds and plant them about an inch deep in the pot.

Now, place the pot in an area which gets about 5-6 hours of sunlight daily.

With regular care and watering your chillies, should grow within 50-60 days of planting. Make sure the soil remains moist consistently but is not water-clogged, or else the root can rot.

Prune the plants regularly for a bushier growth and increase the fruit yield.

The last step is to have patience.

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