Ayurvedic Remedy To Treat Dry Cough
Ayurvedic Remedy To Treat Dry Cough
Dry Cough, according to Dr Khatri, is completely curable given that you take proper care and timely medication.

Dry cough is a common condition that occurs due to various external and internal factors. It can either be the changing weather conditions that trigger dry cough or allergies. Whatever it may be, it is quite irksome and at times painful.

While allopathy has multiple solutions for the problem, they are not the right ones for many. For those who cannot function well with allopathy, ayurveda comes to the rescue. Sharing some very effective ayurvedic remedies is Dr Mihir Khatri, who has fused them with a catchy trend.

Sharing an Instagram eeel, Dr Khatri wrote, “Dry cough is most irritating because you can’t even sleep. Whenever you try to sleep, it gets worse.” He has also warned people not to try turmeric, tulsi, and honey, for these are remedies for mucus-laden and not dry cough.

Take a look:

To cure dry cough, Dr Khatri has laid out an external and an internal remedial plan. For the external remedy, he advised to apply lukewarm mustard oil mixed with salt to the neck and chest area.

Coming to the internal remedy, which means, consuming things that will directly interact with the throat, the doctor recommended a mixture of four pieces of cardamom, half spoon rock sugar, and half spoon desi cow ghee.

Consume this mixture three times in a day, until you get ultimate relief from dry cough. Adding to the list of remedies, a preventive measure was also shared by him. In case you are a diabetic person suffering from dry cough, he recommends against including rock sugar in the internal remedial mixture.

Dry Cough, according to Dr Khatri, is completely curable given that you take proper care and timely medication. If the case worsens and the remedies do not help, then you are advised to take some professional help.

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