Follow These Home Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation
Follow These Home Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation
We offer you some of the age-old, tried and tested, scientifically proven home remedies that will relieve you from constipation.

Constipation is a genuine concern for many. Especially during winters, the body becomes prone to dryness, causing difficulty in regular bowel movements.

One can have difficulty in maintaining healthy bowel movement on a daily basis due to many reasons. However, no matter how many reasons plague you to experience constipation, there are plenty of natural remedial solutions as well, to help you emerge from this problem.

We offer you some of the age-old, tried and tested, scientifically proven home remedies that will relieve you from this painstaking condition.

1. Drink water: Firstly, maintain an adequate intake of fluids. It might sound ridiculously simple. But staying hydrated is as much a challenge these days as finding time to exercise. Drink sparkling water instead of grabbing those carbonated sugar-laden sodas. You can try drinking lukewarm water with a dash of lime in it on an empty stomach with 1 tbsp of honey. Try having lukewarm milk with turmeric powder in it as well.

2. Increase high-fibre food intake: Make sure that you are consuming a sufficient amount of fiber. Constipation gets aggravated in the absence of high-fiber diet. You must take in 25-30 grams fibrous food daily.

Fruits such as papaya, banana, oranges, sweet lime, pears, berries, avocado have high water content, vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes that aid in preventing constipation.

Increase intake of nuts. Apricots, almonds, prunes, walnuts to get rid of constipation.

Include lots of salad, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, sprouts, broccoli in your diet to keep constipation under control.

3. Take probiotics amply: Constipation is caused when the gut bacteria balance is disturbed. Having probiotics would ensure supply of good bacteria in the intestine, thereby restoring the balance. Eat probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kimchi and see your constipation gradually ease away on its own.

4. Make exercise a must: Our sedentary lifestyle takes a toll on our health in myriad ways. One of them being reduced physical movements. Make sure that you follow an exercise regime regularly. Brisk walking, jogging, free-hand exercises, squatting, cycling, swimming can work wonders when it comes to constipation.

5. Incorporate natural ingredients in diet: Have amla, aloe vera juice, raw turmeric, sesame seeds, soaked chia seeds, flaxseeds, figs. Triphala powder or juice also is very good to relieve constipation.

Following a healthy lifestyle, ensuring adequate inclusion of all the above-mentioned home remedies in your daily plan will certainly provide you relief from the pangs of constipation.

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