Regain Your Svelte Figure After Pregnancy with These Tips
Regain Your Svelte Figure After Pregnancy with These Tips
Enjoy motherhood and leave the weight woes aside by simply following these tips to lose baby weight.

Adhere to a safe postpartum weight loss regime and give the body ample time and love to recover. It has been observed that obesity risk gets averted with postpartum weight loss. So, don’t rush for it. Losing more than one and a half pounds in a week is not at all advisable. Take it slow but steady.

So, enjoy motherhood and leave the weight woes aside by simply following these tips to lose baby weight:

 1. Make superfoods your best buddy: Incorporate high-fiber, high-protein, high-calcium rich foods. Have walnuts, almonds, avocados, flax seeds, chia seeds soaked in milk, yogurt. Follow a diet that is loaded with green, leafy spinach, kale, broccoli, nutritious kidney beans, lentil soups, jaggery, sesame, coconut – these will soothe your nerves, replenish your body with the essential nutrients. If you are a non-vegetarian then do eat salmon, sardines, tuna, egg whites. Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. All of these foods are known for their minerals, vitamins, antioxidant-rich properties which help in weight loss in a healthy way.

 2. Ditch junk food: Increase your intake of local, seasonal fruits and vegetables instead of processed, canned food. Avoid junk, oily street food and binge on home-made food.

3. Exercise: Chalk up a workout routine during the postnatal period. It need not be elaborate. Try to do exercises to tone your muscles around the belly. You can begin this routine 6 weeks after childbirth. Simply walking for 30 minutes, doing free-hand exercises, yoga, meditation- are a must. A great body comes with a calm, happy mind. Put on some music, take out time for yourself and rejuvenate.

4. Breastfeed: You can burn up to 500 calories per day by breastfeeding. It is a healthy and fulfilling way to get a svelte figure.

5. Hydrate yourself and sleep well: Stay away from caffeinated drinks. Drink sparkling water instead of carbonated drinks. And try to sleep well as lack of sleep causes weight gain.

6. Plan small meals: The key to stay energized and lose weight is to have provision for small meals. Do not cross 1800 to 2200 calories a day; but maintain frequent meals in your daily plan. Do not go on a crash diet but follow a balanced diet.

While you might receive tons of advices, suggestions on how to lose weight after delivering your child, it is important to not get puzzled or pressurized by them. There are a dozen things that you can do to shed weight, but do check for yourself if they are best for your body and verify the facts. And bid adieu to weight woes.

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