These Ayurvedic Tips Can Help You Take Good Care of Your Eye
These Ayurvedic Tips Can Help You Take Good Care of Your Eye
From attending meetings, classes to working on group projects, people have been spending a significant amount of time in front of the screen

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a paradigm shift in the working of schools and offices. The concept of ‘Work From Home’ has made people glued to their computer screens for long hours. From attending meetings, classes to working on group projects, people have been spending a significant amount of time in front of the screen. This has led to various eye-related issues, headaches, burning, or dry eyes, as the rays from the computer/mobile screen affect eyesight. Weak eyesight is one of the most common issues.

Ayurvedic doctor Dr Nitika Kohli said that the eyes had to deal with the unnatural light emitted from the LEDs and TFT screens, which are pure white light and very different in composition from the natural sunlight. Now you cannot skip attending the offices or classes, hence Kohli suggests following some tips to keep the eyes healthy.

The doctor shared a few effective Ayurvedic tips. Take a look:

  • Each morning right after waking up, fill your mouth with water and hold it for a few seconds with your eyes closed. Spit it out and repeat the drill for 2-3 times.
  • Using Triphala water eyewash or an eyewash cup is always beneficial for the eyes.
  • Shatkarma: Neti and tratak are some of the best Ayurvedic exercises that are a remedy for dry eyes and it also ensures your eye health.
  • Splashing your eyes and face with cool or normal water 10-15 times, is probably a generation old hack. Do it in the morning as well as in the evening, once you return from work.
  • Remember to never use hot or icy water on the eyes. Avoid abrupt temperature changes, meaning, if you are hot and sweaty, wait for 10-15 minutes until your body comes to normal temperature. Don’t just straight away splash cool water on your face and eyes.

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