Batman: The Long Halloween Comic Book Artist Tim Sale No More
Batman: The Long Halloween Comic Book Artist Tim Sale No More
Comic artist Tim Sale was admitted to a hospital from the last few days. He passed away on Thursday.

Popular comic artist who was also behind Batman: The Long Halloween, Tim Sale passed away on Thursday. He was 66. Even though he was admitted to a hospital from the last few days, the exact reason behind his demise is not known yet.

Following the news of Tim Sale’s death, DC Comics’ official Twitter account paid tribute to the renowned artist and talked about how his ‘groundbreaking page designs’ changed the way people think about comic books. “Tim Sale was an incredible artist, whose take on iconic characters had real human depth, and his groundbreaking page designs changed the way an entire generation thinks about comic book storytelling. Our condolences go to Tim’s family and friends. He will be deeply missed," the tweet read.

DC Comics publisher and chief creative officer Jim Lee also issued a statement following Tim Sale’s death. He called Tim an ‘extraordinary’ artist and said, “The entire DC family is heartbroken at the news of Tim’s passing. Tim was an extraordinary artist, who was masterful at storytelling and panel layouts and his compositions were second to none. I was always so impressed and inspired by his use of lighting and shadows which infused his work with foreboding gravitas and dramatic noir sensibilities."

For the unversed, ‘The Long Halloween’ is one of the most popular Batman comics designed by Tim Sale. He later worked on the two sequels of the stories, Batman: Dark Victory and Catwoman: When in Rome which were released in 1999 and 2004 respectively. He also worked on Superman for All Seasons for which he also received an award in 1999.

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