PETA Requests Rajinikanth to Save Goats From Being Slaughtered in His Name
PETA Requests Rajinikanth to Save Goats From Being Slaughtered in His Name
PETA in the letter says it is illegal to kill animals and the act of sacrificing animals is against Indian laws.

Chennai: After Superstar Rajinikanth announced his political entry, his fans are an excited lot. On Jan 4, fans in Madurai decided to perform a special puja by sacrificing goats. Madurai District Secretary, A Pandian said they have decided to sacrifice goats and have a feast for over 1000 members. But this hasn't gone down well with PETA.

In a letter to Rajinikanth, PETA urges Rajinikanth to ensure goats are not slaughtered in his name. In a statement, PETA said: "We are writing to respectfully request that you use your power to stop the planned slaughter of goats in your name. Our office has been inundated with calls and emails from upset members of the public who read in the news that your fans intend to kill goats to eat at Alagarkoil in Mumbai in your name."

PETA in the letter says it is illegal to kill animals and the act of sacrificing animals is against Indian laws. "The plan of your fans to kills goats in the temple is cruel and an apparent violation of Indian laws. It is illegal to slaughter animals anywhere other than a licensed slaughterhouse under the Prevention of Cruelty to animals Slaughterhouse)Rules 2001," the statement added.

Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is in Malaysia to attend a fundraising event along with other celebrities from Tamil Nadu. The event scheduled in Malaysia is to raise funds for the construction of a new building for Nadigar Sangam (South Indian Film Artistes Association) in Chennai.

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