International Yoga Day 2023: Step-by-step Guide to Perform Surya Namaskar Correctly
International Yoga Day 2023: Step-by-step Guide to Perform Surya Namaskar Correctly
International Yoga Day 2023: Guidelines for Doing the Surya Namaskar Correctly And Know How Yoga Impacts Your Life!

INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2023: International Day of Yoga, also known as World Yoga Day, is observed on June 21st every year. It was officially declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 to promote global awareness and adoption of yoga following a proposal from the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The day aims to highlight the benefits of practicing yoga for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The International Day of Yoga encourages people of all age groups and fitness levels to participate in yoga activities. Numerous events, workshops, seminars, and classes are organized worldwide to celebrate this day. These activities include group yoga sessions, meditation sessions, demonstrations, lectures, and discussions on the various aspects of yoga.

Performing Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) correctly involves a series of flowing yoga poses that are traditionally practiced in the morning to greet the sun.


  1. Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose)Stand tall with your feet together, palms pressed together in front of your chest (Namaste position), and relax your shoulders.
  2. InhaleExtend your arms out to the sides and lift them up overhead, arching your back slightly as you look up. This is called Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose).
  3. ExhaleFold forward from the hips and bring your hands to the floor beside your feet. Bend your knees if necessary. This is Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend).
  4. InhaleStep your right leg back into a lunge position, with your right knee on the floor, and raise your head and chest. This is Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low Lunge Pose).
  5. ExhaleStep your left leg back and come into a plank position, aligning your body in a straight line. This is Dandasana (Plank Pose).
  6. Ashtanga NamaskaraAs you continue to exhale, lower your knees, chest, and chin to the floor. Keep your elbows close to your sides. This is Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight-Limbed Salutation).
  7. InhaleSlide forward and upward, arching your back, while keeping your legs and pelvis on the floor. Your hands should be pressing into the floor beside your chest. This is Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).
  8. ExhaleLift your hips and push back into an inverted V shape. Your heels may or may not touch the floor. This is Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose).
  9. InhaleStep your right foot forward between your hands, coming back to the lunge position. Raise your head and chest. This is Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low Lunge Pose), but on the opposite side.
  10. ExhaleStep your left foot forward to meet your right foot, folding forward into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) once again.
  11. InhaleRise up with a flat back, extend your arms out to the sides, and come into Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose).
  12. ExhaleBring your palms together in front of your chest to return to Tadasana (Mountain Pose).

Repeat the above steps, starting with the opposite leg, to complete one full round of Surya Namaskar.

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