The Journey of Old Toys: What Happens When You Discard Them
The Journey of Old Toys: What Happens When You Discard Them
Toys serve as a timeless source of joy and creativity. But once discarded, they turn out to be one of the most hazardous materials causing harm to the environment. Thus, cutting down on buying plastic toys and giving to recycling organizations or NGOs redistributing the toys can be the old way ahead.

Toys are truly a timeless source of joy and creativity. The fun of playing with them can be matched to none. But have you ever wondered what happens to your toys when they become old and you throw them away? Where do they go? Do they have an afterlife? Here is the story of what happens to the stuff that we put in the garbage bin.

Yes, just as you must have expected, your favorite toys after being dumped in your dustbin, reach the landfills or waste collection centers. Once at a landfill, these toys join a variety of other items, contributing to the growing mound of waste.

Plastics, which are a common material in toys, again pose a reason for concern as about 90 percent of your toys are made of plastic. And by the nature of the material, plastics do not biodegrade easily and can persist in the environment for hundreds of years. Well, your discarded toys not only impact the aesthetics of the landfills, but it also has serious environmental implications.

Leading to rising pollution of the ecosystem

It is no secret that plastics being non-biodegradable are one of the major threats to the environment that end up polluting countless ecosystems across the planet. While there may be some kinds of plastic that do break down, they also end up reverting back into similarly dangerous and toxic petrochemicals.

Some of these disposed toys also are burnt, resulting in the releasing of toxic fumes into the air and increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Others, most likely, end up floating in the nearby water bodies causing harm to marine life as well.

What can you do about it?

Well, there is no need to forgo buying toys but a responsible disposal can be the right solution to it. Many of your old toys, especially those made of plastics, can be recycled and transformed into new materials. Recycling of these toys not only helps in reducing the amount of waste in landfills but also saves energy and conserves natural resources.

Several organizations across cities run such recycling facilities where you can deliver your old toys and be assured that they are not polluting the ecosystem. These organizations segregate the different types of plastics, metals and electronic components used in modern toys.

Having dismantled the toys carefully, these recycling facilities segregate the electric components if any, and recycle them in an environmentally responsible manner. After being recycled, they can be made into new refurbished toys or even other materials that can be used for day-to-day purposes.

In addition, you can also give your used toys to NGOs across cities that work towards the repurposing and redistribution of them to underprivileged children. By doing this, you can give these toys a second lease of life and bring some joy in other children’s lives too. Such initiatives not only extend the life of the toys but also contribute to reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

So, what have you decided to do with your old toys now?

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