Passersby at Bhingri village spotted the body on Tuesday evening. The police identified the woman as 19-year-old Jayshree Babya Pawar, a resident of Jogeshwari in Pen taluka
The Navi Mumbai police in Maharashtra have registered a case after a young woman’s highly decomposed body was found with a knife wound, an official said on Thursday.
Passersby at Bhingri village spotted the body on Tuesday evening. The police identified the woman as 19-year-old Jayshree Babya Pawar, a resident of Jogeshwari in Pen taluka.
The body was highly decomposed and had a stab wound on the neck, the official said. Inspector Anjum Bhagwan of the Panvel police station said a case has been registered under Indian Penal Code section 302 (murder) and investigations are on to identify those behind the crime.
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