2023 World Environment Day: Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Launches National Environment Campaign
2023 World Environment Day: Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Launches National Environment Campaign
HMSI aims to make a lasting impact on reducing plastic waste and advocating for sustainable alternatives under the theme "Say No to Plastic"

In a remarkable display of commitment to environmental sustainability, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI) has initiated its week-long National Environment Campaign, coinciding with World Environment Day.

The campaign commenced with a sapling planting ceremony led by Mr. Yogesh Mathur, Director of Sales & Marketing at Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, accompanied by Mr. Takeshi Kobayashi, Director of Sales & Marketing, and other esteemed delegates from HMSI at Pioneer One Honda in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. As part of this initiative, the company also distributed saplings to its customers, encouraging them to contribute to a greener future.

Under the theme “Say No to Plastic,” HMSI is fully dedicated to making a substantial impact on reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable alternatives. The company recognizes the severe environmental hazards posed by single-use plastics to our oceans, wildlife, and overall ecosystem. As a responsible corporate entity, Honda is actively inspiring individuals to make conscious decisions that minimize their plastic consumption and embrace a plastic-free lifestyle.

Expressing his thoughts on this significant occasion, Mr. Yogesh Mathur, Director of Sales & Marketing at Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI), stated, “Plastic pollution poses a significant environmental threat, and it is crucial for each of us to take immediate action. At Honda, we are committed to reducing our use of plastic and advocating for sustainable alternatives. Through our efforts during World Environment Week, we aim to motivate individuals to reject plastic and adopt eco-friendly options, creating a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.”

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As part of the National Environment Campaign, HMSI plans to plant over 23,000 saplings across the country. Moreover, the company will collaborate with the Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures (SIAM) to provide free PUC check-ups to customers visiting HMSI authorized dealership network. These activities are aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging responsible choices.

In a remarkable partnership with Pro Honda, Honda has also developed a new line of engine oil. This engine oil has been thoroughly tested and approved by Honda engineers to ensure the preservation of Honda 2Wheelers’ exceptional performance. Notably, HMSI is the first among all Honda network countries to introduce the Pro Honda brand for its customers. Additionally, Honda has introduced the ‘Extended Warranty Plus (EW Plus)’ program, an enhanced version of their extended warranty, to elevate the overall ownership experience and set a new industry benchmark.

With its unwavering dedication to environmental protection and innovative initiatives, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India is setting an exemplary standard in the automotive industry. By prioritizing sustainability and taking action against plastic waste, Honda is driving the transition towards a greener and more responsible future.

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