7 Early Signs Of Liver Disease That You Need To Watch Out For
7 Early Signs Of Liver Disease That You Need To Watch Out For
These signs may differ from person to person yet one must always be looking out for them and checking with a doctor whenever required.

The liver is one of the essential as well as the largest organ in the human body. The organ is responsible for synthetic and metabolic functions. The liver produces bile, which is essential for the digestion process as well as in removing the waste product and helps in detoxification.

But, when it is filled with alcohol, cholesterol, excessive fat, and other harmful substances, the liver’s workload increases to remove the unwanted by-products. Liver diseases can occur because of genetics or other factors such as viruses, obesity, and alcohol use.

Addressing this dangerous disease, nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary shared an Instagram post with 7 signs to watch out that your liver isn’t working properly.

  1. One of the most common signs of liver disease is feeling nauseous. It happens when the liver cannot remove the toxins that build up in your bloodstream.
  2. The dark colour of stool is mainly because of the bile salt, which shows that the liver is healthy. When the liver cannot digest fats, excess fat makes the stool float and pale in colour.
  3. The skin and eyes become yellow because the liver cannot process the bilirubin, a compound that is created during the breakdown of old red blood cells.
  4. As the bilirubin piles up in the bloodstream, urine becomes dark yellow.
  5. Due to the gastrocolic reflex, you will feel the urge to poop right after a meal. It happens when the liver is unable to absorb and utilise the food. It causes immediate colon contraction.
  6. Bruising easily as the compromised liver is unable to produce enough clotting protein.
  7. Your abdomen gets swollen, medically known as ascites. It is caused because of retention of excessive fluid in the abdomen. It also causes swollen legs and ankles.

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