Cobra Operated Upon After it Swallowed Plastic Box, Broken Egg Shells
Cobra Operated Upon After it Swallowed Plastic Box, Broken Egg Shells
The vet ran a couple of scans and X-rays and found a foreign object inside the reptile's intestine. The object looked a lot like a box

In the first week of June, Snake Kiran, a snake enthusiast and rescue soldier, found a spectacled cobra hidden in a burrow. Noticing that it was tired and troubled by something, Kiran took the reptile out to an expert- Dr Yashasvi Naravi from Little Paws.

The vet ran a couple of scans and X-rays and found a foreign object inside the reptile’s intestine. The object looked a lot like a box.

The cobra was then sedated and intubated after which, a team of vets led by Dr Yashasvi planned and performed surgery on the reptile.

They successfully removed a plastic box that is generally used to store limestone powder, used by people who consume betel leaves.

“We also removed a couple of broken eggshells. So by the look of it, it seems that the snake went ahead and swallowed eggs and the limestone box was kept close to eggs. Since it couldn’t differentiate between the two it must have swallowed the plastic box alone” said Dr Yashasvi Naravi.

After successfully removing the plastic box, the reptile was kept in the hospital for 15 days and the wounds were dressed daily.

Once the vets declared that the snake was fit to return to the wild, it was set free in the same spot where it was brought from. This would help it to get back to its previous normalcy.

The spectacled Cobra or Naja Naja is commonly known as the Indian cobra. It is a venomous snake and is found in various parts of India.

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