Here Is All That You Need To Know About Collagen And How It Works
Here Is All That You Need To Know About Collagen And How It Works
Collagen is very important in the skin and cosmetic industry as it determines how well or fast a person will age.

Over the last couple of years, the word “collagen” has become synonymous with beauty and is somewhat a part of our daily vocabulary. But, what really is collagen? Is it produced within our body or is it an external element, well we have all the necessary answers for you. Read on-

Dr. Umed Shekhawat, a leading cosmetologist states, “Collagen is one of the most important proteins in our body. It is a primary building block of your body’s skin, muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues.”

He further added, “Proteins are made of amino acids and the main amino acids that make collagen are proline, glycine and hydroxyproline.”

It must be remembered that collagen is present in our body in abundance but a lot of people these days opt for collagen supplements in order to improve their skin and hair quality, joint health and so on. These supplements that are quite easily available in the markets can be consumed raw or added in the form of powder to your morning drinks, i.e. smoothies, health drinks or tea. However, it is always best to discuss the consumption of these supplements with experts.

Collagen’s main role is to provide structure, strength and support to your body. Collagen is a multifaceted element, and some other top uses of it include-

  1. It helps to replace dead skin cells.
  2. Gives strength, structure and elasticity to the skin.
  3. Forms fibroblast cells in the dermis which help grow new cells.
  4. Assists your blood to clot.

There are also five main types of collagen:

  • Type I is there to provide structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments and it makes 90% of your body’s collagen.
  • Type II provides joint support and is found in elastic cartilage.
  • Type III is found in organs, arteries and muscles.
  • Type IV is found in the layers of your skin.
  • Type V is found in hair, skin, nails and eyes.

As we grow older, we tend to lose out on the natural collagen that is present in our body and that is exactly where collagen supplements can come into play. However, if someone is an avid smoker or a drinker they too might start losing out on collagen starting from a very young age because of their lifestyle choices.

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