Historic Move to Transform Rural India, Says PM Modi at Launch of New Property Scheme
Historic Move to Transform Rural India, Says PM Modi at Launch of New Property Scheme
The Prime Minister’s Office said that the launch will enable around one lakh property holders to download their property cards through an SMS link sent on their mobile phones.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday launched the physical distribution of property cards under the ’SVAMITVA’ (ownership) scheme via video conferencing, and asserted that it is a ”historic move” set to transform rural India. The move will pave the way for villagers to use property as a financial asset for taking loans and other financial benefits.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has said the launch will enable around one lakh property holders to download their property cards through an SMS link sent on their mobile phones, and this would be followed by the physical distribution of property cards by respective state governments. These beneficiaries are from 763 villages across six states, including 346 from Uttar Pradesh, 221 from Haryana, 100 from Maharashtra, 44 from Madhya Pradesh, 50 from Uttarakhand and two from Karnataka.

PM Modi interacted with many beneficiaries of the Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas (SVAMITVA) scheme.

The beneficiaries from all these states except Maharashtra will receive the physical copies of their property cards within a day, the statement said. Maharashtra has a system of recovering a nominal cost of property cards so it will take a month’s time.

‘SVAMITVA’ is a Ministry of Panchayati Raj scheme which was launched by Modi on the National Panchayati Raj Day on April 24. The scheme aims to provide the ‘record of rights’ to village household owners in rural areas and issue property cards.

It is being implemented across the country in a phased manner over a period of four years (2020-2024) and would eventually cover around 6.62 lakh villages, the statement said.

Speaking on the agricultural reforms, PM Modi also hit out at the opposition, saying those whose politics was powered by brokers and middlemen are spreading “lies” about his government’s reform measures and asserted that the country will not waver from this path. Farmers are not going with those who have opposed “historic” reforms enacted by his government, he said.

Speaking at a programme, PM Modi said his government has done more for villages and its residents in the last six years than what was done in the six decades before that. In this context, he referred to a number of projects, including opening of bank accounts, building of toilets and houses, cooking gas scheme and electrification. Rural India was left to fend for itself by those who ruled the country earlier, Modi said in a swipe at the Congress.

Many people don’t want villages, poor, farmers and labourer to be ‘aatmanirbhar’, the prime minister said and added that his government’s measures to empower them, including by directly transferring to farmers and others, has hit them hard by cutting off their source of illegitimate earning. Without naming the opposition, he said it is upset not for farmers but for themselves as it was for long strengthened by the power of middlemen, brokers and commission agents. People of the country have begun destroying its web of deception, Modi said. The Congress has been opposing the farm laws enacted by the government last month.

Parliament had earlier passed The Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020 and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020 during the Monsoon Session. The prime minister said his government is undertaking development without any discrimination and with full transparency, and everyone is getting the benefit of schemes.

Keeping people in villages deprived has been the basis of some people’s politics. They wanted problems of villages and people to continue so that their purpose was served, he said “Those who looted the country are being recognised by people. That is why they are indulging in opposition, bad-mouthing (government) and using foul language. They are not bothered about the poor, villages or the country. They are troubled by all the good work. They want to stop the development march of the country,” the prime minister said.

This is the first time that such a large-scale exercise involving the most modern means of technology is being carried out to benefit millions of rural property owners, the PMO said in a statement. The prime minister will also be interacting with some of the beneficiaries during the event.

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