Let’s Talk Sex | Spectrophilia: Sexual Arousal from Mirrors and Ghosts?
Let’s Talk Sex | Spectrophilia: Sexual Arousal from Mirrors and Ghosts?
Spectrophilia is defined as the sexual arousal from mirrors and ghosts. While it might sound like something out of a horror movie, there is actually scientific evidence to support its legitimacy

Sex may permeate our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow the unscientific advice of their friends.

To address the widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running this weekly sex column, titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’. We hope to initiate conversations about sex through this column and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance.

In this article, we will explore spectrophilia in greater detail and how it differs from other forms of sexual arousal.

Have you ever heard of spectrophilia? It’s an interesting topic that has been gaining some attention in recent years. Spectrophilia is defined as the sexual arousal from mirrors and ghosts. While it might sound like something out of a horror movie, there is actually scientific evidence to support its legitimacy.

What Is Spectrophilia?

It’s a relatively unknown form of sexual arousal that involves either mirrors, ghosts, or both. It’s also known outside of the bedroom as “mirror play” or “ghost sex.” Well, the term itself is derived from two Greek words – ‘specular’ which means mirror, and ‘philia’ which means love. As the name implies, it’s a paraphilia (a condition in which an individual’s sexual arousal and satisfaction depend on fantasising about and engaging in sexual behaviour that is atypical and extreme) involving mirrors or ghosts.

The practice itself can be broken down by two main categories: sexual arousal from mirrors or ghosts – both physical and consensual contact. With mirrors, spectrophiles can look into the depths of a glass to feel aroused or even masturbate in front of a mirror for self-gratification. With spectral contact, the individual feels pleasure from spiritual interaction with a ghost.

Exploring the Phenomenon of Spectrophilia

When it comes to spectrophilia, things can get a bit strange. At its core, spectrophilia is a form of sexual arousal that involves mirrors or ghosts. It might sound like a tall tale or even a horror movie plot, but there are people out there who report experiencing this phenomenon.

Whether it’s real or not is up for debate, but the idea of having intimate experiences with these supernatural entities is captivating for some. There have been reports from both men and women claiming to have had experiences which involve being touched, caressed and even kissed by an unseen entity.

For many of those who subscribe to this theory, the idea of spectrophilia is linked to astral projection. They believe that during astral projection, your consciousness can transcend space and time and be able to interact with otherworldly entities in ways that defy logic and reality. These spiritual offerings may range from sexual encounters, soul mate experiences or simply seeking messages from the divine force.

Differences Between Ghost & Mirror Spectrophilia

Spectrophilia does have one key difference between mirror spectrophilia and ghost spectrophilia: the entity involved. Mirror spectrophilia is sexual arousal from a partner or oneself in the reflection of a mirror, while ghost spectrophilia involves arousal from spiritual entities, such as ghosts or other paranormal experiences.

While both involve arousing fantasies, mirror spectrophilia is much more accessible to most people—it involves either being aroused by your own reflection or from a partner’s. Ghost spectrophilia, on the other hand, involve supernatural entities that you can’t necessarily see with the naked eye. There are some who believe that these supernatural entities are real, while others might find these experiences to be more imaginary than physical. Either way, there are common threads between both types of specrophilics that involve feelings of desire and sexual pleasure through fantasy or physical contact.

How to Manage and Treat Spectrophilia

If you think you might experience spectrophilia, there are ways to manage it so that it isn’t overwhelming or dangerous. If you are someone who has experienced spectrophilia or have been curious about its potential effects on your life, here are some things to consider:

  • Talk Therapy: The first step is to talk to a therapist or counsellor, who is trained to help people with sexual issues. Talking to a professional will help you identify the cause of your spectrophilia, which can be key in unlocking and dealing with the underlying issues associated with it.
  • Educate yourself: Educating yourself on the subject is also important. Reading up on the condition can help you understand it better and start to accept that it’s something that you can live with.
  • Alternative Outlets & Coping Strategies: It also helps to find alternative outlets for your arousal and coping strategies for managing your urges when they arise. Exercise, meditation, mindfulness, and other forms of self-care can help you stay in control when faced with situations that could trigger spectrophilia episodes.
  • Talk about your experiences: Talking about your experiences with trusted friends or family members can help you process any negative reactions you encounter and may even validate some of the feelings you are having.
  • Seek support: Seeking out support from professionals or online communities can help individuals facing these forms of stigmatisation by allowing them to connect with others going through a similar experience.
  • Practice self-care: Caring for yourself is essential when dealing with any form of stigma or discrimination and should be prioritized above all else – this could include mindfulness techniques, exercise, listening to music, connecting with nature etc.For those who experience spectrophilia, it can be a source of mystery, curiosity, and even pleasure. While there is still much to learn about this rare phenomena, it is clear that there are a variety of causes and experiences associated with it. For those curious about the topic, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, know that it is still being studied, and its prevalence is unknown. Second, seek out mental health professionals if you feel that you may be experiencing spectrophilia and want to talk about it. Finally, remember that regardless of its cause, it is important to engage in safe, consensual activities only.Prof (Dr) Saransh Jain is the winner of the Swasth Bharat Rattan Award and is a Certified and Licensed Sexologist by the American Board of Sexology. He is currently a Senior Consultant at Dr SK Jain’s Burlington Clinic in Lucknow. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the stand of this publication.

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