Opinion | Barrage of Soros-Funded Hits on India Inc and Modi On Its Way Before 2024
Opinion | Barrage of Soros-Funded Hits on India Inc and Modi On Its Way Before 2024
An almost unbroken string of attacks has been directed at Indian big business — from Ambani to Adani to Vedanta. The anti-India forces hope to stoke popular anger against these extremely successful Indian corporations and hurt the nation.

There is one thing none can fault India’s overseas enemies on: earnest homework on the weaknesses in our mass psyche.

Islamic invaders ruthlessly exploited the petty rivalry between Hindu kingdoms. The British deftly identified the fault-lines between upper and lower castes, Hindus and Muslims, and north and south.

Today’s powerful global networks of the kind George Soros and other Western families control seem to have identified the feebleness that decades of Nehruvian socialism and its foster-child, poverty, has spawned: a profound mistrust of the rich and wealth in general.

And so, an almost unbroken string of attacks has been directed at Indian big business — from Ambani to Adani to Vedanta. The anti-India forces hope to stoke popular anger against these extremely successful Indian corporations and hurt the nation.

Their ultimate goal is to create mass outrage in India in the run-up to 2024 general elections and somehow derail PM Narendra Modi from returning to power in 2024.

The approaching G20 summit provides the perfect occasion for the smear campaign and to stymie India’s spectacular rise. Indian and foreign outlets funded by these international networks have upped fake news production. By targeting India Inc, they achieve not just weakening the PM, but hit the Indian economy below the belt.

Why do these interests invest so much globally on destabilising strong governments and cohesive nations?

Because they prey like vultures on weak governments, making them do their bidding, controlling and profiting from decrepit economies, and pushing a widely reported agenda of creating a nationless, single-culture world order run by a global elite.

How does one achieve that?

Soros funds numerous non-profits and organisations with stated lofty aims. One of them is the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). It is supposed to be a collective of investigative journalists to expose global scams. Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) is also one of the donors in OCCRP. But who do they target?

Only entities that networks like the ones run by Soros, who has in the past made no secret of his dislike for Modi, are trying to bring down India.

During the protests against the much-needed farm laws which the Narendra Modi government brought, hundreds of mobile network towers of Reliance Jio were targeted and damaged or destroyed. There were accusations that Soros’s money flow funded the anarchy.

Currently, Hindenburg — an organisation which is being probed for fraud itself in the US — is busy rehashing the allegations levelled against the Adani group with the aim of hurting Modi.

The real Adani story is, however, about one Indian bank and 15 companies, including foreign ones identified by ED, which short-sold shares in Adani companies even before the Hindenburg report and carried out a loot.

Another story by Soros-backed OCCRP has been done on Vedanta, alleging that the Indian government is giving environmental clearances to the group. It obviously will not mention how the business benefits Indians, especially low-income households.

It will be deeply ironic. India is the only country to fulfil COP-21 commitments nine years ahead of the deadline. In today’s India, 43% of energy is renewable. The nation has 175 GW of renewable energy capacity and is working hard to reach 500-GW capacity by 2030.

Two upcoming events disturb the anti-India forces the most.

First, the 2024 general election season in which early polls show Narendra Modi is winning again, likely with an even bigger margin than last time.

Second, India, now the fifth largest economy, will be the fourth largest by FY 2024-25 and third largest by FY 2027-28. Poverty alleviation and welfare schemes like electricity, health insurance, affordable housing, bank accounts, tap water and LPG cylinders are happening at a pace the world though India was incapable of.

India has risen from being the 11th largest in terms of GDP in 2014 to fifth today, and is the world’s fastest growing large economy today. In the June quarter, India’s GDP expanded 7.8 percent. In technology, India leads the world in digital payments by a massive margin and is now the producer of cheapest and most numerous space missions. It led the world in vaccine production and distribution during the Covid-9 pandemic, a previously unimaginable feat for a nation which has suffered decades of rickety health infrastructure.

India has militarily stood up against China at Doklam, Galwan and Pangong Tso. It is one of the main mediators in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

In sports, it has started winning in disciplines like athletics and gymnastics, unthinkable even a decade ago. In javelin, chess, badminton, boxing and several other sports it is the world leader.

Under Modi, India called Pakistan’s nuclear bluff and hit it with a number of surgical strikes, including the air raid on Balakote.

Narendra Modi’s victory in 2024 will perpetuate India’s civilisational rise. It will end a US-China bipolar world and further strengthen the multi-polarity taking shape today.

That worries forces like the Soros network which desperately wants to see an enfeebled India with leaders that they can control like puppets, an economy they can leech off.

Expect more hits on India from abroad. We are at war, and it is a good war to fight.

Abhijit Majumder is a senior journalist. Views expressed in the above piece are personal and solely that of the author. They do not necessarily reflect News18’s views.

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