Centre will work with states, no 'big brother' attitude: PM
Centre will work with states, no 'big brother' attitude: PM
The Prime Minister said he would be happy to see the states competing with each other to be better in terms of development.

New Delhi: Promising not to have "big brother attitude", Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the central government will work along with states and address their problems as he believes in "cooperative federalism" to build a strong India and speedy growth of the country.

Modi, who earlier was Chief Minister of Gujarat, said that he understood how the growth of states was stalled by the Centre for political reasons and promised to change "this work culture".

"The strength of our country is federal structure. We need to instrospect whether we have strengthened the federal structure sitting in Delhi. If the country has to move forward, the states should move forward."If the country has to prosper, the state should prosper.

If the country has to become strong, the states needs to be strengthened," he said in his maiden address in the Rajya Sabha while replying to the Motion of Thanks on the President's address.

Emphathising with states on their problems and pains, he said: "I know the problems faced by states if there is not a friendly government in the Centre. On petty issues, growth of states are stopped for narrow political gains. We are talking about cooperative federalism. The Centre should not work with a big brother attitude. We should work together."

He also shared that the Tamil Nadu government had written 40 letters to the Centre but not a single letter was acknowledged. "We need to change this attitude," he noted. Responding to questions by some members as to how the ambitious agenda outlined in the President's address would be implemented, Modi quipped that he was not surprised over the apprehensions considering the "atmosphere of despair" that prevailed for last several years. "This shadow is still there and hence there are apprehensions. I am confident that we will change this," he said.

The Prime Minister said he would be happy to see the states competing with each other to be better in terms of development. Allaying concerns by some members on the Gujarat model of growth, former Chief Minister who was credited with this way of development, said no model can be replicated everywhere and it has to be tailor-made in keeping with uniqueness of each state.

"If Mayawati has done good in Uttar Pradesh, we must appreciate and implement in other states. Similarly any developmental model either in Kerala or other states should be replicated," he said, and added that "I have myself been inspired by models adopted in far off in Kerala and Nagaland."

Modi said that all regions of the country has to be brought on par with each other when it comes to development and therefore the new government plans to focus on development of eastern states which are lagging behind than their western counterparts. "Development should be for the entire country and good for everyone. It should not be looked in single view...it is wrong if we leave north east," he said.

Modi suggested that the college and school tours should be organised to popularise tourism in north eastern region. "Have we guided students to go to North East? How much it can give boost to North East. It will create development. North East will also realise that we have embraced the region," he added.

Modi said that the new government is dreaming India as one country with unity in diversity. "We should not be having a country with some eating pizzas and some deprived of it."

Stating that each state require different solutions to their problems, Modi said the Centre should do away with the "tailor-made solution mentality" and suggested that different plans should be formulated for Himalayan states and coastal states.

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