Cong reminds Modi of the US denial of visa
Cong reminds Modi of the US denial of visa
US Congressional report praised Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for good governance.

New Delhi: Congress on Wednesday sought to deflate BJP's euphoria over a US Congressional report praising Narendra Modi for good governance, saying the same United States still continues to deny visa to the Gujarat Chief Minister.

"BJP has decided to extoll a purported report by a US think tank. They should also be cognizant that the same US still continues to deny him a visa," Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari told.

He was responding to a volley of questions on the US Congressional report identifying Gujarat as perhaps the best example of effective governance and impressive development in India and showering praise on Modi, saying the state under him has become a key driver of national economic growth.

Tewari also ridiculed LK Advani's proposed yatra against corruption and the fast being undertaken by Modi for peace, harmony and unity in his state, indicating that these were signs of a power struggle in the BJP ahead of 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

"Neither the yatra is about corruption nor the fast is about Sadbhavana. Both are attempting political positioning," he claimed.

"Both Advani and Modi are attempting political positioning which is intrinsic to the BJP. It is apparent that lessons of 2004 and 2009 Lok Sabha polls are completely lost on BJP."

Taking a dig at the two BJP leaders, he said a "strange phenomena" has enveloped the BJP as "an elder gentleman is on a yatra and another gentleman on a fast.

"The last time, the elder gentleman had decided to go on an yatra, it has assaulted the secular foundation of the country. We still continue to pay the price after so many years."

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