Kerala: M M Mani Draws Flak For Calling IAS Officer 'Mad', Abusing Workers
Kerala: M M Mani Draws Flak For Calling IAS Officer 'Mad', Abusing Workers
Kerala Power Minister M.M. Mani on Sunday drew flak for allegedly calling an IAS officer "mad" and made disparaging remarks about women plantation workers.

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Power Minister M.M. Mani on Sunday drew flak for allegedly calling an IAS officer "mad" and making disparaging remarks about women tea plantation workers.

Opposition leaders attacked Mani, with two leaders of the BJP and the Congress demanding his resignation.

"In Idukki, most religious establishments are located on land that do not have clear title deed. He (Venkitaraman) is a mad man and should be sent to Oolampara (mental hospital in Thiruvananthapuram)," said Mani, who has waded into controversies with his uttrances in the past as well.

Later, addressing a public meeting in Idukki on Saturday night, CPI-M leader Mani said he knew what all went on during the strike by 'Pembulai Orumae' (women's collective).

The the women's collective in Munnar are protesting against a remark made by Mani in a meeting. The minister allegedly questioned the women collective's month long protest in 2015 for better wages as tea plantation workers. The minister reportedly made statements that questioned their morality and character.

The protest..started off by just 4-5 women from the prominent group - Pembilai Orumai...since most of them had gone off for work in the morning itself.... This group had even contested panchayat elections independently...

"It was a stage-managed protest led by vested interests. I know what all happened. When the strike was on, other activities were taking place in nearby forests," Mani said.

The 2015 strike by women plantation workers in Munnar had forced the then Oommen Chandy government to hike their wages.

Congress leader Lathika Subhash said Mani had brought shame on Kerala.

"Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan should ask Mani to step down for his abusive words against plantation workers. I know the sufferings of these women," said Subhash.

Communist Party of India leader Prakash Babu had a Biblical take on the whole affair: "What I can say about Mani is to repeat what Jesus said -- Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."

State CPI-Marxist Secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan refused to comment. Kerala Youth Congress President Dean Kuriakose said Mani should be "put in chains for his utterances".

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan promised to talk to Mani.

Kerala Fisheries Minister and party colleague J. Mercykutty Amma dubbed the remarks "unfortunate" and said Mani should not have spoken thus. CPI-M MP P.K. Sreemathi echoed Amma's views.

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