'Narasimha Rao was against Sonia as Cong chief'
'Narasimha Rao was against Sonia as Cong chief'
Veteran Congress leader Arjun Singh's posthumous autobiography says that on hearing the suggestion, the former PM burst out in anger.

New Delhi: Why should the Congress party be hitched to the Nehru-Gandhi family like train compartments to the engine was how the late PV Narasimha Rao reacted to the suggestion that Sonia Gandhi be made the Congress chief after the assassination of her husband Rajiv Gandhi in May, 1991.

This has been stated by veteran Congressman Arjun Singh in his soon-to-be-released posthumous autobiography, 'A Grain of Sand in the Hourglass of Time'.

Singh has said that he came face to face with the "ugly face of politics and was truly disgusted" after hearing Rao's response to the suggestion that was made to him.

The 383-page book has been brought out by Hay House India with co-author Ashok Chopra saying the autobiography should be taken as "work in progress" because Singh passed away on March 4 last year while he was still to complete writing it.

Chopra said he has attempted to plug gaps in the text as faithfully as possible through interaction with his family members and some friends and associates.

Singh said that "on hearing our suggestion, Rao kept quiet for a few minutes with a grave expression on his face".

"Suddenly, he burst out in anger and virtually yelled out words to the effect that whether it was essential that the Congress Party should be treated like a train where the compartments have to be attached to an engine belonging to the Nehru-Gandhi family or were there other alternatives? I was dumbfounded by Rao's outburst but kept quiet," he said.

The then AICC treasurer Sitaram Kesri, however, pursued the matter further and contended that it would be in the fitness of things if "we were to offer the post of the Congress president to Sonia first".

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