Uttar Pradesh to fast-track rape trials
Uttar Pradesh to fast-track rape trials
Mayawati says she will set up fast-track courts where cases will be decided within 6 months.

New Delhi: After days of sustained Opposition attack on the worsening law and order situation in the state, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on on Tuesday spoke out. She has set a timeframe for investigations into the alleged rapes and promised fast tracking of cases. Hit by Opposition fire over the jump in rape and murders in Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati said she will set up fast-track courts where cases will be decided within six months.

Attacking rival Mulayam Singh and the Congress, Mayawati claimed that there is a concerted campaign ahead of the assembly elections to malign her administration.

Amitabh Bachchan’s support for Mulayam Singh Yadav in 2008 boomeranged on the Samajwadi Party as poor law and order in the state led to Mulayam's downfall. In 2011, with just a year left for the polls, it’s Mayawati's turn to face accusations of inability to control law and order.

Seven rapes in the last 72 hours across the state have created a huge political problem for the Uttar Pradesh chief minister.

On Tuesday, a 15-year-old girl in Baghpat committed suicide after being raped.

On Monday, in Aeta, a woman was first gangraped and then burnt alive.

In one single day on Sunday, rapes were committed in Kannauj, Gonda and Kanpur.

A 14-year-old girl was even stabbed in her eyes when she resisted attempts to rape her.

"All this is nothing else but political victimisation by our rivals. Uttar Pradesh is not as bad as its made out to be," said Mayawati.

"Mayawati has lost all moral rights in her capacity as chief minister," said Jayanthi Natarajan, Congress spokesperson.

The political battle is bound to get shriller as the countdown for next years high stakes assembly polls begins.

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