Amazon Kindle Users Can't Buy Books Or Renew Subscriptions On Android App Anymore: Here's Why
Amazon Kindle Users Can't Buy Books Or Renew Subscriptions On Android App Anymore: Here's Why
The deadline for the new policy ended today, and Google will remove all apps that have not complied with the new system.

Kindle users on Android can not renew their Kindle Unlimite subscription or buy books using the Kindle Android app anymore, Amazon has told customers in an email.

Amazon is taking this step due to Google’s plans to boot apps that don’t use the Play Store billing system for in-app purchases. Since Amazon won’t be using the Android app for renewing subscriptions and making purchases, people will have to pay on a web browser and then access the books through the app’s digital library.

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Amazon said that this is a necessary step “to remain in compliance with the update Google Play Store policies.” Google said in 2020 that apps must use the Google Play billing system to charge users for in-app purchases that include digital content in addition to subsctiption services. Developers also need to use Google Play billing systems for upgraded versions of a free app and cloud services as well.

The billing system, however, won’t be used for the sale of physical objects like groceries and clothes in apps or for peer-to-peer payments or purchases made in gambling apps.

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Google takes a 15 percent commission on transactions made on the Play Store billing system. This was earlier 30 percent, but was cut to half amid growing sentiment against Google and Apple’s unfair fee for developers.

The deadline for the new policy ended today, and Google will remove all apps that have not complied with the new system. Amazon has already implemented the change in the Kindle app for Android, and the app displays a notification that in-app purchases are not available. Apart from the Kindle app, Amazon has also disabled in-app purchases on Audible and Amazon Music apps.

ALSO READ: Older Amazon Kindle Devices Will Stop Supporting E-Book Store, But Here’s What You Can Do.

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