Facebook is building new button to express empathy, not a 'dislike' button
Facebook is building new button to express empathy, not a 'dislike' button
Zuckerberg said, “People aren’t looking at the ability to down vote others’ posts, what they really want is to be able to express empathy.”

Facebook may finally be getting a button that lets you quickly express something beyond a "like."

Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Tuesday that people have been asking for a "dislike" button on the social media site for years.

Speaking at an event at Facebook's Menlo Park, California, headquarters that was streamed live online, Zuckerberg acknowledged that "like" isn't always appropriate for some posts — about a tragic news event, for example — when people might want to express empathy.

Zuckerberg said the company, however, has veered away from making a "dislike" button, which could be used to vote down other people's posts. He added that people aren’t looking at the ability to down vote others’ posts, what they really want is to be able to express empathy.

He said, “Not every moment is a good moment and if you are sharing something that is sad, like the refugee crisis that touches you, or a family member passed away, it may not feel comfortable to like that post," he said. “But your friends and people want to be able to express that they understand and that they relate to you. So I do think it’s important to give people more options than just like as a quick way to emote and share what they are feeling on a post."

Zuckerberg further added, “We have been working on this for a while. It’s surprisingly complicated to make an interaction that you want to be that simple. We have an idea that we think we’re going to be ready to test soon. And depending on how it does, we’ll roll it out more broadly."

He said the new button is ready to be tested soon and could be rolled out broadly depending on how it does.

With inputs from Associated Press

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