Pokemon Go Makers are Teaming Up with Super Mario Run Creators for a New Pokemon Game
Pokemon Go Makers are Teaming Up with Super Mario Run Creators for a New Pokemon Game
DeNA, the makers of Super Mario Run will collaborate with The Pokemon Company to create an "exciting smartphone game", although no other information is around right now.

If you've often rued the rather early end of the craze behind Niantic and The Pokemon Company's 'Pokemon Go', you're certainly not alone. While the augmented reality game of chasing, catching and battling Pokemon is still fairly widely played, it is declined a fair bit from the heights of its popularity. However, fans of Pokemon might be in luck. DeNA, the makers of Niantic's Super Mario Run, are believed to be tying up with The Pokemon Company, to develop a new Pokemon game for smartphones.

Niantic has been fairly successful with the smartphone renditions of their games, comics and storylines. While the likes of Super Mario Run have been widely downloaded and fairly appreciated, none have scaled the massive popularity that Niantic-led Pokemon Go reached across the world. The word regarding the upcoming Pokemon game came courtesy DeNA's fiscal year forecast, which stated that it will be making a "new and exciting" smartphone game, based on the Pokemon franchise. However, no other information is available right now, regarding what the game might be based on, how the gameplay would work, characterisation and storylines, or other details of any kind.

Niantic's Pokemon Go reached overnight stardom with its real world gameplay and the AR camera, that allowed players to picturise the Pokemon in the real world space. It remains to be seen if DeNA's take on the upcoming Pokemon game is based more on existing Pokemon storylines, which is seemingly what DeNA specialises on. Despite multiple attempts and emulators, the classic Pokemon regions and storylines have failed to take off on iOS and Android platforms. With Detective Pikachu now creating some hype around real life Pokemon simulation fused with a storyline, it is possible that the new game for smartphones would explore something similar to this layout.

However, it is possibly going to be a while until we get to see the game in action. The report states that the game will be released by March 31, so we may expect further announcements regarding the game by early next year. As with many games (and previously seen with Pokemon Go as well), the new Pokemon game may be launched in only specific regions, before being rolled out globally.

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