Watch Video: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Gives Testimony Before Congress
Watch Video: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Gives Testimony Before Congress
A total of 44 senators were allotted 5 minutes each to ask questions and get answers. The senators asked questions on how Facebook handles user data and how Cambridge Analytica was able to influence Facebook users.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has testified before a Senate joint committee of both Judiciary and Commerce, Science, and Transportation on “Facebook, Social Media Privacy, and the Use and Abuse of Data." Zuckerberg has already accepted the “breach of trust" and said that he needs to “fix that". He has even apologised for the same. “I started Facebook, and at the end of the day I'm responsible for what happens on our platform," he said soon after the Cambridge Analytica controversy.

The hearing took place at the Hart Senate Office Building 216. A total of 44 senators were allotted 5 minutes each to ask questions and get answers. The senators asked questions on how Facebook handles user data and how Cambridge Analytica was able to influence Facebook users.

While Zuckerberg has promised to “work through this and build a better service" he claims that “the most important actions to prevent" a repeat of this have been already taken. The investigation, that could be pivotal for his massive company, is based on the accusations placed on the social media firm for misusing the data collected from its users in order to influence the US presidential elections which elected President Donald Trump.

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