Aiming to take on encrypted messaging platform Telegram, WhatsApp has released a new feature for its groups which is essentially a "one-way broadcast" communication stream. "Today, we're launching a new group setting where only admins are able to send messages to a group. One way people use groups is to receive important announcements and information, including parents and teachers at schools, community centres, and non-profit organisations," the Facebook-owned company wrote in a blog post late on Friday.
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To enable this new feature, users have to open "Group Info," and select "Only Admins". The company is rolling out the feature to all users around the world, who are on the latest supported versions of the app. Another new feature that is being rolled out is group description which is essentially a short blurb found under group information that allows users to set the purpose, guidelines or topics for the group.
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When a new person joins a group, the description will show up at the top of the chat, the Facebook-owned company added. Meanwhile, a "protection" feature has also been introduced, so that users cannot be repeatedly added to groups they have already left. These features are currently available for Android and iPhone devices.
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