Graphical Representation Of Human Population Density On Earth Goes Viral
Graphical Representation Of Human Population Density On Earth Goes Viral
A space view of Earth is shown in the video to give an idea to people of how densely populated our planet is in the current times.

The only proven habitable planet in the Milky Way galaxy is Earth. It comprises humans, different living creatures and natural resources. As per a recent estimate by the United Nations, the Earth’s current world population stands at 8.1 billion. The density of the population is distributed across the planet, varying from place to place. While India is proven to be densely populated, countries like Greenland and Mongolia are hardly considered to be populated in comparison to North America. Highlighting the same, a graphical representation video of the population density is now making rounds on the internet. A space view of Earth is shown in the video to give an idea to people of how densely populated our planet is in the current times.

In the viral video, the Earth is seen rotating. With the help of graphics, the data of density has been represented through colours. On some parts of the Earth, yellow, orange, green and red colours can be spotted. The red part highlights the high density of population per 30-kilometre square distance. As per the number, it stands for 1000 people. Similarly, 500, 100 and 50 are also the densities of the people in certain areas of Earth which are graphically represented in orange, yellow and green colours respectively. The video has been posted by the page named Wonder Of Science on the social media platform X ( formerly known as Twitter). The page has credited the video rights to Tyler Morgan-Wall.

The video has been viewed by over 7 lakh people. While some tried to find their countries others accused the video of inaccurate data representation as Australia and New Zealand were hard to spot. One user asked, “Where Is Australia?” while another uploaded the population density of South America in the comment section.

India is shown in red colour, denoting it as a densely populated country on Earth.

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