Husband’s Confession Leaves Six-month Pregnant Woman Shocked And Hurt
Husband’s Confession Leaves Six-month Pregnant Woman Shocked And Hurt
She said she grappled with the fact that she was reduced to nothing more than an incubator for his child.

A soon-to-be mother was left feeling shocked after a hypothetical conversation with her husband regarding life and death left her feeling devalued, likening herself to nothing more than an incubator. The six-month-pregnant woman disclosed that while their relationship is healthy, she now can’t shake the feeling that her life is considered less valuable than that of her unborn child, at least in her husband’s eyes. During a moment of emotional reflection, while setting up their baby’s nursery, the husband expressed his hopes for his wife to have a smooth childbirth. He confided that the thought of losing her would devastate him.

His wife tried to comfort him, reassuring him of her health and the expected smoothness of the birth process. He further commented that “sacrificing my life for our baby is the most selfless thing a mother can do.” The woman responded with a light-hearted remark, expressing her reluctance to ever face such a distressing situation. It was then that he dropped a bombshell, stating, “Of course, I’d pick our baby over you – it’s how things are supposed to be and we are parents. Our child takes first priority in my life.”

I Feel Like My Husband Sees Me as An Incubator Because He Says He Will Pick Our Baby Over Me byu/Throwra_aitababy inTwoHotTakes

She continued, expressing her shock and dismay at how casually he uttered those words and the matter-of-fact manner in which he articulated his priorities. Feeling unsettled and upset, she attempted to engage him in a discussion, only to be met with dismissal as he asserted that there was no room for debate. This left her feeling lost for words, confused, and deeply hurt by her husband’s sentiments.

While she acknowledged that she should feel relieved that he prioritised their unborn baby’s life, it stirred up an unpleasant feeling within her. She grappled with the implication that she was reduced to nothing more than an incubator for his child. Despite this, she couldn’t disregard the fact that her husband has shown and continues to show immense love towards her.

The woman grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between feeling like she should be happy that her husband prioritised their unborn baby’s life over hers, yet also experiencing a deep sense of unease. She couldn’t shake the feeling that her husband’s words implied she was merely an incubator for their child, despite knowing his enduring love for her.

Questioning whether her intense emotions were solely due to hormonal changes, she admitted feeling overwhelmed with anger and sadness, as if she were on the verge of exploding. Additionally, she struggled with guilt for even entertaining feelings of jealousy towards their baby. She strongly believed that her husband should prioritise the person he made vows to, implying that she should come first in his consideration.

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