Reddit User, Claiming To Have Unlocked Origins Of Human Race, Trolled
Reddit User, Claiming To Have Unlocked Origins Of Human Race, Trolled
An unidentified man has claimed that he has been enlightened with the knowledge of the genesis of mankind.

The creation of human beings has long been an area of interest for both the scientific community and laymen. All religious scriptures have their own version of how humans came to be on earth. Some conspiracy theorists even claim that humans are actually extraterrestrial beings, who were placed by a higher intelligent being as microbes on earth. Agreeably, that sounds far fetched, but no one knows how the first human on earth came to be. An unidentified man has claimed that he has been enlightened with the knowledge of the genesis of mankind while meditating on his bedroom. On Reddit, the man shared that while attempting to enter a meditative state, he experienced visions depicting the earth’s origins, which he believed unlocked the secrets of life on our planet and provided answers to significant religious questions. He described in his post how, while trying to achieve a state of serene meditation in bed with his eyes closed, he encountered flashes of images and thoughts.

Subsequently, he asserted that this contemplative experience revealed to him “intriguing ideas” regarding the creation of the world. He elaborated, stating, “God was exactly like you. Alone.” (To provide context, he mentioned spending the last six months alone with his dog, interacting with others only when necessary, such as when going to the gym or the grocery store). He depicted God as feeling profoundly lonely, referring to himself as his own best friend and conceiving the idea of creating a companion (initially envisioned as a woman). From this companionship, he described the genesis of humanity. He claimed that he had been shown God’s potential as a creative being and had since become a “dreamer”. He further said that he was shown, like a dreamer, the ability of God to present himself as a thought.

Reddit users were not satisfied with the explanation of this user and made fun of him instead. One wrote that anyone can use their imagination to carve out ideas of their own, while yet another commented that it looked like the user was ready to start a cult of his own.

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