This Ant-infested Retro Dreamcast Controller Is The Creepiest Thing On Internet
This Ant-infested Retro Dreamcast Controller Is The Creepiest Thing On Internet
The YouTuber tried to get rid of the ants covering his work table. He then mustered the courage to open the controller and found it had become a nest for ants with larvae.

For many enthusiasts of older technology like consoles and accessories, taking special care to maintain their collections is a top priority. However, even with the best efforts, surprises can occur, as one collector discovered with his Dreamcast controller. An Australian YouTuber RyanUkAus, known for restoring vintage hardware, found a disturbing surprise in his workshop where he keeps his retro gear. While cleaning one of his desks, he came across a Dreamcast controller from his collection, with a swarm of Australian black-coloured, house ants. Ryan was cleaning a desk when he moved a Dreamcast controller, causing a swarm of ants to emerge from inside the controller.

Shocked, Ryan tried to get rid of the ants covering his work table. He then mustered the courage to open the controller and found it had become a nest for the ants, complete with larvae.

After cleaning up most of the ants, Ryan managed to open the controller. The video shows the controller had turned into an ant colony, with flying ants and larvae inside. Ryan speculates that a previous owner might have spilled something sugary on the controller or used it after eating sweets, attracting the ants.

Surprisingly, Ryan was able to restore the controller. He placed the controller next to a clump of leaves outside, which the ants accepted as a new home, relocating all the larvae.

After the ants left the retro device, Ryan cleaned the controller and got it working again.

Watch the video here:

Comments on Ryan’s video ranged from admiration for the ants’ cleanup efforts to jokes about being terrified, with one user simply suggesting to “BURN IT" in response to the ant colony inside the controller.

“Imagine playing sonic adventure 2 and a bunch of ants start crawling out of your controller," wrote a user. “The fact that the ants just cleaned up after themselves & it all got back to normal with minimal damage is so bizarre. like you were just letting them borrow it & they took good care of it. so weird," wrote another person.

Some viewers found humour in the situation, joking about the controller being “ant-powered" or suggesting it should be added to a museum as an exhibit.

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