US Surgeon Wakes From Coma, Says He Saw Heaven And Smelled Fried Chicken
US Surgeon Wakes From Coma, Says He Saw Heaven And Smelled Fried Chicken
The doctor had been in critical condition due to a severe health issue caused by an E coli infection, which led to significant brain damage.

A recent story has emerged of a surgeon who, after recovering from a coma, began speaking about unusual experiences. This revelation has not only drawn widespread attention but also raised questions about the potential risks of coma and related health complications.

It’s common to hear about memory loss after people emerge from a coma, but it is quite bizarre for someone to claim that they returned from a visit to heaven, where they smelled fried chicken.

According to reports, the individual in question is Dr Eben Alexander, a brain surgeon from Virginia, US. Dr Alexander had been in critical condition due to a severe health issue caused by an E coli infection, which led to significant brain damage. He remained in a coma for a week. However, the most astonishing part of his story came after he woke up when he claimed to have visited heaven, where he saw clouds and, strangely enough, smelled fried chicken.

He also described reaching a different dimension, surrounded by clouds and said he saw a beautiful waterfall flowing into a crystal-clear pool. He encountered lush greenery and heard songs coming from the sky. He further added that he was flying on a carpet, and everything around him seemed connected in some inexplicable way.

Initially, doctors had declared him brain dead, with no hope of survival, as his brain had completely shut down. Despite this, he experienced these vivid sensations and even encountered a beautiful woman in heaven, who he felt was guiding him forward.

Upon waking from his coma, it took Dr Alexander eight weeks to fully recover. Four months after his recovery, he received a letter from a relative, revealing that he had a biological sister who had passed away many years earlier. The beautiful woman he had seen in heaven, he later realised, was his sister.

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