30 Years after Fall of Berlin Wall, Donald Trump Hails Germany as 'Treasured' Ally
30 Years after Fall of Berlin Wall, Donald Trump Hails Germany as 'Treasured' Ally
On November 9, 1989, East German border guards, overwhelmed by large crowds, threw open the gates to West Berlin, allowing free passage for the first time since the Wall was built.

Washington: US President Donald Trump on Saturday hailed Germany as a "treasured" ally as commemorations were held marking 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

"The Cold War has long since passed, but tyrannical regimes around the world continue to employ the oppressive tactics of Soviet-style totalitarianism," Trump said in a message from Washington.

"I congratulate the German people on the tremendous strides that have been made in reuniting their country and in rebuilding the former East Germany.

"We will continue working with Germany, one of our most treasured allies, to ensure that the flames of freedom burn as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the entire world to see."

On November 9, 1989, East German border guards, overwhelmed by large crowds, threw open the gates to West Berlin, allowing free passage for the first time since the Wall was built.

The momentous event would ultimately bring the communist regime crashing down, leading to German reunification a year later.

In Berlin on Saturday, Chancellor Angela Merkel said the Wall should remind Germans "that we have to do our part for freedom and democracy."

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