China Warns US Investment Curbs would Hurt Global Growth
China Warns US Investment Curbs would Hurt Global Growth
Negotiators from the two governments are due to meet next week in Washington for more talks aimed at ending a tariff war over trade and technology.

Beijing: China has warned possible US moves to limit investment ties would disrupt global growth after a report said the Trump administration was considering options including removing Chinese companies from American stock exchanges.

The foreign ministry appealed Monday to Washington to "meet us halfway" and resolve disputes.

Stock markets slid after Bloomberg News reported the Trump administration was considering limiting investment ties with China.

The Chinese spokesman, Geng Shuang, said "the decoupling of China-US. relations" would hurt companies on both sides, cause financial market turmoil and endanger international trade and the world economic growth."

Negotiators from the two governments are due to meet next week in Washington for more talks aimed at ending a tariff war over trade and technology.

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