Iran Says it Can Produce Higher Enriched Uranium if US Exits Nuclear Deal
Iran Says it Can Produce Higher Enriched Uranium if US Exits Nuclear Deal
Under the deal, which led to the lifting of most international sanctions in 2016, Iran's level of enrichment must remain around 3.6 percent.

Ankara: Iran has the technical capability to enrich uranium to a higher level than it could before a multinational nuclear deal was reached to curb its nuclear programme, state TV quoted the head of Iran's Atomic Energy organisation Ali Akbar Salehi as saying.

US President Donald Trump has given European signatories to the 2105 deal a May 12 deadline to "fix the terrible flaws" in the agreement, or he will refuse to extend US sanctions relief on Iran.

Salehi warned Trump against taking this course. "Iran is not bluffing ... Technically, we are fully prepared to enrich uranium higher than we used to produce before the deal was reached... I hope Trump comes to his senses and stays in the deal."

Under the deal, which led to the lifting of most international sanctions in 2016, Iran's level of enrichment must remain around 3.6 percent.

Uranium refined to 20 percent fissile purity is well beyond the 5 percent normally required to fuel civilian nuclear power plants, though still well short of highly enriched, or 80-90 percent, purity needed for a nuclear bomb.

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